Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Hello World!

SO, I finally broke down and started blogging... Happy WOOOHOO... my Fiancee has been doing it for a while and I never read her blog so I figured I would be safe to set up one of my own... I don't really understand blogging... but I like talking, and I like people to listen to me... and Q&A sites don't allaw the same level of instant gratification... google me... it's fun... man... I need to like use fewer of these "..." things.... they have a name you know... I don't know it right now however... So my fiancee came up and we did a bunch of paperwork and I had a party and it was good YAY except that I ignored her durning the pary... bad benjie... y'all should read my web comic... I'm still playing with this stuff so I figure it will end up on the side eventually but for now I'll http://benjie.freeservers.com it... BLAH


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