Wednesday, August 11, 2004

It's my party and I can scrye if I want to.

Today I purchased the worst deck of cards I have ever purchased. It only has one joker and the hearts are all miscut. I also bought a chess set at the buck or two with the worst instructions on how to play chess I have ever read, apparently "it is not alligator to capture your oponent" and the piece that sits between knights and the royal familly is called a "Bison". They also spelled castling as "casing", "cashing", and "casting"... I laughed out loud for quite some time while reading it and the Alligator still makes me giggle, I'll have to scan it and put it on the web page I'm planning to make. The dice I bought were not all of the same size which was only marginally amusing in comparison.

"Why," an unwary reader may ask, "did you go out and buy a bunch of random game pieces on your way to work Benjie?"

Well that story isn't nearly as interesting as the actual stuff I bought. I'm making up a new game, it's basically Settlers of Cataan with cards and chess pieces.

There are 4 kinds of days in my life right now:
Good Days are sleep live sleep.
Wasted Days are sleep work sleep.
Stupid Days are sleep live work sleep.
Okay Days are sleep work live sleep.

Today is a stupid day, it might as well be a wasted day because anything I do in the morning on these days is unrewarding, like going shopping with my mother. The later the end of my shift the stupider the day, and days get successively stupider if they are put after other stupid days. My work days are further classified as fun, easy, frustrating or tireing. Today is so far an easy day so far. Stupid days never finish up as easy or fun days because I show up later then everyone else and don't get a good seat near my friends and I'm always tired and cranky by the end of the shift.

I still don't miss school though, everyday at shool was wasted because I had classes all over the place and had to do homework in between, even on days "off". I do however miss summer vacation, a lot.

I had a party friday evening, only a couple people showed up and while I had fun, the first couple hours my fiancee didn't want to play settlers with us so it wasn't much fun for her, but she watched the first couple of seasons of familly guy on my computer which went over well.


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