Friday, August 13, 2004

Every other day, every other day, every other day of the week is fine, NOT!

When I was less one with my reality I would have concidered yesterday a bad day. I slept in until 5 minutes before I needed to catch the bus for work. I got on the wrong bus on the way to work and didn't realise it for 3 or 4 stops. I started my day by my mom yelling at me for not bringing a luch. It was a bad schedule (12-8:30) which usually means a wasted day if I don't wake up early enough.

However, I did wake up in time to catch my bus so sleeping in just netted me more sleep for the day, which let me stay up later which gave me enough hours after work to not concider the day wasted. I did get on the wrong bus but I noticed in time to only have to walk a block or two back onto the correct bus route so I got to work on time.

This is when life started trying a little harder to breach my optimism.

On arriving at work on time I was unable to find a station. When I DID find a station it was running Windows NT and the software just wouldn't start up like it was supposed to so I clocked in 1 minute later then I'm allowed to. Then, to make matters worse after my first break I come back to find someone has taken my seat. On starting up the software on the NEW computer it all crashed back down and I had to start most of it up again. Fortunately the new computer had
a more comfortable seat, a louder phone and ran generally smoother, so on the whole another net gain.

After work I made good connections and went over to my brother in law's and watched him play Final Fantasy X for a while and then played some of my Midway Arcade Treasures games, some with, some without him.

You may have also noticed another part of yesterday's day that wasn't all that bad was that I was unable to update my blog because the site was blocked by my work servers. So I'm now going to use this email publishing method thing and I can feel good about myself for being so clever.

Yay me!


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