Zombie Night
So I was invited to a friend's place for a Zombie Night, (in retrospect we could have called it an evening of the living dead, hindsight is always 20/20, and the cause of death can only be known post-mortem)... Inicially it was "Hey, I'm thinking of having people over to see 'Army of Darkness' on saturday." and I was like "We should watch 'Shaun of the Dead', because Trish hates 'Army of Darkness'"... in the end we watched both and Trish hung out with the other wives and girlfriends in what they called a "Zombie Widows Night"... girls just don't seem to understand Zombies.
Anyways, work went a little late, so I rushed home, picked up my copy of the Zombies!!! board game and then Bladed back to the bus station and then rode the 111 to corner of Viewmount and Merivale where I got back on my rollerblades and bladed up 80% of the way to my friend's house and got picked up at that point by my Sister and Brother in Law who were on their way there. At this point the women left us to our movies.
Shaun of The Dead
If you havn't seen this movie, you should. It's witty and does acctually have some suspense and drama... I wouldn't even call it campy. Everyone seemed to like this movie.
After that, we started a game of "FLUX", which is a card game where the cards you play determine the way the game is played. This game was interupted for spegetti and then we started the second movie.
Bruce Campbell VS Army of Darkness
This movie is the king of camp, every single line is a one liner and appropriate for quoting. Everyone seemed to like this movie too.
After finishing the game of flux, the girls called to tell us they had just finished their first movie, so we set up a game of "Zombies!!!". I have the base set, the "Zombie Corps(e)" expansion, and 100 Extra Zombies. Gameplay is simple, though is you let it it can get time consuming. If you've never played it will take about 30 minutes per person playing at best. With people who know what they are doing this can be a little shorter when you don't have to keep stopping to explain the rules. It was going quite well until the wives came back and then we kinda just played it out as fast as we could without being jerks to eachother. Jeremy won... I could have stopped him from winning for a couple turns but it wouldn't have made me win any faster... which isn't the point of the game... if the wives hadn't been wanting to go to bed (and if my cat hadn't been whining) we would have played properly cut-throat til the end.
Most Recently Finished: Some Dragonlance book of short-stories... Tales Volume 2
Currently Reading: The Reptile Room, book the second of the Series of Unfortunate Events.
Currently Playing: Disgaea(PS2), Donkey Kong Jungle Beat(GC), StepMania(PC), Zelda: Minish Cap (GBA), Mr. Driller Drill Spirits (DS)
Currently Downloading: Battlestar Galactica