Monday, August 16, 2004

So little to do, so much time to do it, so little motivation.

So Saturday can be summarized pretty easily, I slept in, worked on my game, went to a barbeque with Friend1 and then talked to my fiancee.
Sunday can be summarized even easier, I slept in really late, went to work then went to my borther in law's and after watching a couple hours of TV went to sleep.
Today I slept in again and then had my brother in law help me cart all my stuff back from his place to my place and then went to work.
There now, if nothing else, I'm caught up on my blogging.
Well, now then.
I hate drunk people, they annoy me and scare me and they smell bad too. I wish everyone would stop drinking, failing that I wish they made it legal for me to beat up drunk people. I mean, if they arn't going to be help legally responsible for what they do when they choose to get drunk, I shouldn't be held legally responsible for what I do to them while they are drunk. It just seems fair.
Caffeine and me have a love hate relationship. As caffeine is a inanimate object you can understand that both the loving and hating is coming from me. I also hate alergies. I also hate it when I get hot powder from the hot chic peas I buy to replace lunch get's in my eyes. The chic peas wern't very good and I really didn't enjoy the orange crush I bought for lunch because I had to drink it all to make the hot go away. I miss being able to bring stuff that was too hot home and having my dad eat it for me.
I haven't had a chance to play any video games since saturday, and I need to get back home so I can email friend2 the code for the game we made together. He has a gmail account and it kept rejecting .bas attachments. I'm interested in actual programming again, I'm sure it will pass again, especially since my fiancee is coming up again this weekend which invariably throws off my anti-social behaviour schedule.
Did I mention I have too much caffeine in me and I don't want to work till 11:30 tonight bcause the last bus leaves at 10:58 and I havn't gotten around to changing my availability and I want to die? My brain wants to jump out of my body and run around the room, my eyes want to cry. I just want to find a nice dark place to go into the fetal position and yell at the top of my lungs.
Well, things are only going to get worse as the caffeine wears off and my brain stops having enough oxygen to maintain the level of overloaded thought I've let it become accustomed to and I'm out of money to buy caffeine and I have to wait another hour and a half till my break and I'm getting tired of eating chocolate wafers and did I mention I want to go somewhere and scream?
Well, I trust my life will fall back into some semblance of order in another couple weeks or months. Immigration isn't seeming quite so scary now and I'm getting married in a couple months which I think will be a stabalizing force in my life.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Back that .bas up!

Funny thing about days off is that they kind of get blended into the previouse evening. Another "funny" thing about them is that when I'm not working, I'm not sitting at work so bored that I make a blog entry.
Friday was a relatively good day. After work Friend1, Friend2 and I all went see Alien vs Predator, which I would highly recomend to anyone who enjoyed all the Alien movies and all the Predator movies, including the ones people refer to as the "bad" ones.
After meeting Friend2 after work (I got off work a little early so I had time to go home and have a snack, run into Friend1 and invite him to the movie, get to the bus station and wait 45 minutes for my friend, get tired of waiting and go get some snacks at the Bulk Barn and get back to the bus station in time to meet Friend2 and be accused of being late) we went out for lunch at McDonald's. I ordered the meal deal of the day and it took 25 minutes for them to make my fillet of fish.
I called Friend1 and told him to be there at 7:40 and scarfed down my sandwhich between 7:35 and 7:40. Friend1 showed up just in time for the last preview which means Friend2 and I were already in the theater (I had bought a ticket for Friend1 but that's okay because I managed to return the ticket). After the movie we walked home and stopped for coffee along the way and Friend1 went home to study for his psych final.
Friend2 and I went back to my place and we were going to play the game I had invented, but as it turns out... it sucks. So we went upstairs and programmed a video game in QBasic.
I was in charge of the graphics so I manually entered over a hundred points into a text file. As it turned out I was supposed to make a "polygon" rather then a "bitmap" so after wasting the first hour or so I was well into making the pictures for the asteroids, the player ship and the enemy ship. Meanwhile Friend2 programmed the control, for the player ship and the spinning asteroids and the graphics engine and the shooting and collision detection for all of them. Basically all the hard bits. Then he had to get a taxie home because it was 2:30 in the morning.
At this point I started putting the important bits of the game in, like making it show the ship coming onto the other side of the screen when crossing over and making it so the asteroids moved... and most importantly inplementing the enemy ship.
I believe at this point I went to bed.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Of line breaks and close tags.

Last night, as has been hinted at before, I stayed up till about two in the morning playing old Arcade games on my GameCube.  My borther in law had been playing Playstation 2 when I showed up and he let me try some of the chocobo training, and while I don't know if I acctually passed any of them I think that I was able to demonstrate the correct technique.  Then there was this weird code that he needed to decipher and I think I figured most of that one out, though he acctually came up with the solution.  Afterwards I played some Sinistar, I'm able to beat the first level sometimes, but there are way too many baddies in the second area.  When I started playing marble madness, trying to play both balls myself, he felt sorry for the red ball and joined in.
I slept well, woke up at a good time, and got to work early enough to buy myself breakfast (milk, chips and reeses pieces) and get a good station (YAY!).  Today is an Okay-ish day because I'm off at five, friend2 emailed me and we're going to go see Alien vs Predator after work and then maybe I'll be able to convince him to play my new game with me.
Work has been nice and reasonable today.  People are still morons, yes, and I have been shaking in frustration with a couple of them, obviousely, but on the whole the day is going rather well. I had a nice cup of soup, a coke and a bag of chips for lunch, which seems reasonable.
I picked up the form at work that let's me change my death benefit beneficiary today, it looks simple enough. I am very much frightened of the imigration paperwork awaiting me at home.
I'm still working out some bugs in the email-blog-thingy and it looks like I'll have to do a bit of reformatting with e-mailed posts.  Silly Yahoo making page breaks when I don't need them.
I made a new homepage today, it's not quite right so I won't update my main link, but if you would like to visit it, it's at

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!

Every other day, every other day, every other day of the week is fine, NOT!

When I was less one with my reality I would have concidered yesterday a bad day. I slept in until 5 minutes before I needed to catch the bus for work. I got on the wrong bus on the way to work and didn't realise it for 3 or 4 stops. I started my day by my mom yelling at me for not bringing a luch. It was a bad schedule (12-8:30) which usually means a wasted day if I don't wake up early enough.

However, I did wake up in time to catch my bus so sleeping in just netted me more sleep for the day, which let me stay up later which gave me enough hours after work to not concider the day wasted. I did get on the wrong bus but I noticed in time to only have to walk a block or two back onto the correct bus route so I got to work on time.

This is when life started trying a little harder to breach my optimism.

On arriving at work on time I was unable to find a station. When I DID find a station it was running Windows NT and the software just wouldn't start up like it was supposed to so I clocked in 1 minute later then I'm allowed to. Then, to make matters worse after my first break I come back to find someone has taken my seat. On starting up the software on the NEW computer it all crashed back down and I had to start most of it up again. Fortunately the new computer had
a more comfortable seat, a louder phone and ran generally smoother, so on the whole another net gain.

After work I made good connections and went over to my brother in law's and watched him play Final Fantasy X for a while and then played some of my Midway Arcade Treasures games, some with, some without him.

You may have also noticed another part of yesterday's day that wasn't all that bad was that I was unable to update my blog because the site was blocked by my work servers. So I'm now going to use this email publishing method thing and I can feel good about myself for being so clever.

Yay me!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

You didn't count on there being a Joker in the deck!

Title quoted from Joker in a Batman Cartoon!

So the day hasn't gone too bad.

My mother is going to pick me up this evening because they scheduled me for and 11:30 end time.

Friend1 is getting himself done with school in a short while, maybe I'll be able to trick him into playing Settlers with me now. In the mean time I need to rope him into helping me move all my stuff back to my house from where it got moved for the party.

I really need to get back to my brother in law's place to play more of my new video game, it's a Midway Arcade Treasures compilation disk and I want to play "Sinistar" which I think is just the cat's pyjammas. I also want to play some more "Rampart."

The mystery of the missing GameCube controllers has yet to turn up any leads, I looked all over the house, particularly in the bag I thought it was in and in the trunk of mum's car were they might have fallen out. I'm starting to think that maybe the ones I DO have are the ones I took and have lost the ones I left behind.

I finished designing my game, I've got to play test it a bit now. I have far too many games to play and far too few people to play with.

It's my party and I can scrye if I want to.

Today I purchased the worst deck of cards I have ever purchased. It only has one joker and the hearts are all miscut. I also bought a chess set at the buck or two with the worst instructions on how to play chess I have ever read, apparently "it is not alligator to capture your oponent" and the piece that sits between knights and the royal familly is called a "Bison". They also spelled castling as "casing", "cashing", and "casting"... I laughed out loud for quite some time while reading it and the Alligator still makes me giggle, I'll have to scan it and put it on the web page I'm planning to make. The dice I bought were not all of the same size which was only marginally amusing in comparison.

"Why," an unwary reader may ask, "did you go out and buy a bunch of random game pieces on your way to work Benjie?"

Well that story isn't nearly as interesting as the actual stuff I bought. I'm making up a new game, it's basically Settlers of Cataan with cards and chess pieces.

There are 4 kinds of days in my life right now:
Good Days are sleep live sleep.
Wasted Days are sleep work sleep.
Stupid Days are sleep live work sleep.
Okay Days are sleep work live sleep.

Today is a stupid day, it might as well be a wasted day because anything I do in the morning on these days is unrewarding, like going shopping with my mother. The later the end of my shift the stupider the day, and days get successively stupider if they are put after other stupid days. My work days are further classified as fun, easy, frustrating or tireing. Today is so far an easy day so far. Stupid days never finish up as easy or fun days because I show up later then everyone else and don't get a good seat near my friends and I'm always tired and cranky by the end of the shift.

I still don't miss school though, everyday at shool was wasted because I had classes all over the place and had to do homework in between, even on days "off". I do however miss summer vacation, a lot.

I had a party friday evening, only a couple people showed up and while I had fun, the first couple hours my fiancee didn't want to play settlers with us so it wasn't much fun for her, but she watched the first couple of seasons of familly guy on my computer which went over well.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Hello World!

SO, I finally broke down and started blogging... Happy WOOOHOO... my Fiancee has been doing it for a while and I never read her blog so I figured I would be safe to set up one of my own... I don't really understand blogging... but I like talking, and I like people to listen to me... and Q&A sites don't allaw the same level of instant gratification... google me... it's fun... man... I need to like use fewer of these "..." things.... they have a name you know... I don't know it right now however... So my fiancee came up and we did a bunch of paperwork and I had a party and it was good YAY except that I ignored her durning the pary... bad benjie... y'all should read my web comic... I'm still playing with this stuff so I figure it will end up on the side eventually but for now I'll it... BLAH