Sunday, August 15, 2004

Back that .bas up!

Funny thing about days off is that they kind of get blended into the previouse evening. Another "funny" thing about them is that when I'm not working, I'm not sitting at work so bored that I make a blog entry.
Friday was a relatively good day. After work Friend1, Friend2 and I all went see Alien vs Predator, which I would highly recomend to anyone who enjoyed all the Alien movies and all the Predator movies, including the ones people refer to as the "bad" ones.
After meeting Friend2 after work (I got off work a little early so I had time to go home and have a snack, run into Friend1 and invite him to the movie, get to the bus station and wait 45 minutes for my friend, get tired of waiting and go get some snacks at the Bulk Barn and get back to the bus station in time to meet Friend2 and be accused of being late) we went out for lunch at McDonald's. I ordered the meal deal of the day and it took 25 minutes for them to make my fillet of fish.
I called Friend1 and told him to be there at 7:40 and scarfed down my sandwhich between 7:35 and 7:40. Friend1 showed up just in time for the last preview which means Friend2 and I were already in the theater (I had bought a ticket for Friend1 but that's okay because I managed to return the ticket). After the movie we walked home and stopped for coffee along the way and Friend1 went home to study for his psych final.
Friend2 and I went back to my place and we were going to play the game I had invented, but as it turns out... it sucks. So we went upstairs and programmed a video game in QBasic.
I was in charge of the graphics so I manually entered over a hundred points into a text file. As it turned out I was supposed to make a "polygon" rather then a "bitmap" so after wasting the first hour or so I was well into making the pictures for the asteroids, the player ship and the enemy ship. Meanwhile Friend2 programmed the control, for the player ship and the spinning asteroids and the graphics engine and the shooting and collision detection for all of them. Basically all the hard bits. Then he had to get a taxie home because it was 2:30 in the morning.
At this point I started putting the important bits of the game in, like making it show the ship coming onto the other side of the screen when crossing over and making it so the asteroids moved... and most importantly inplementing the enemy ship.
I believe at this point I went to bed.


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