Monday, September 24, 2007

I have written an essay-like document, I would appreciate commentary on style and content so I can improve my ideas and writing ability.

First Public Draft of "On the Subject of Robots" - By Benjie Davis

Friday, September 21, 2007


So. I'm On Facebook Now

I tried to avoid it for some reason. Well because it was "cool" and "popular" and "everyone else was doing it". I like to think of myself as counter-cultural or unique (or at least uncultured or abnormal) so it takes me some time to jump on bandwagons.

Trying... In My Own Way (Which is "Not-Trying")

So I have started programming and writing again. I started by trying to program Dr. Mario but I kinda got disheartened when I completely bungled the collapse logic code the first time through. I've reworked it in googleDocs but haven't put it back into the main system. I'm not entirely sure why, I've been watching a lot of Furturama and "drowning my sorrows" with freezies.

I have also started writing again a bit. You may have noticed that I have updated my blog more in the las week then I have in months... even if it's only with videos and such... but if you include THIS post that's like a lot. Well, in addition to my personal take on "blogging" I have started trying to write what I'm calling "Essays". They are a bit like blogging on a specific subject and working towards a conclusion in order to perhaps teach someone, convince someone, or at the very least encourage someone to think. So far I've got two in the works and I'll post them somewhere when they are done.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Yeah... so I dun it again

YouTube Video - BNG Karaoke 0.2 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

So I think the wife thinks I stunk this one up pretty bad... meh... I'll keep going until I get it right... and then keep doing it after that for bonus point combos.

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Monday, September 17, 2007

A New Era

My Life is... stuff
Every now and then I try to re-invent myself. Usually I am quickly distracted by some distraction or other that is the bane of the incautious free-thinker like me. When it all boils down it it I am more likely to take a nice long bath followed by a nap then to make myself a better person. I know that I could do an awful lot more with my time if I was gifted with the kind of motivation that others have, but alas the vicious cycle of "too unmotivated to bother motivating myself", "feel useless", "eat something sweet and try to forget about my problems", "forget about one of those problems you have to act on", "feel like I need to improve myself", back to "too unmotivated to bother motivating myself".

Some people would call this depression but I call it "Benjie being a whiny stupid jerk"... which in itself serves to unmotivate me. I only mention it because I know this is probably what some of you are thinking... whoever you are random internet traveler.

The current theory is that working is for saps and what I really need to do is start getting royalties/advertising revenue... or otherwise acquire what some people would refer to as "The Means of Production". I have a number of angles in which I am pursuing this in a... rather inactive and easily distracted manner.

One of these theories is that if I put enough interesting things online, I will have a popular website and gain advertising revenue and be able to work less at my "job" and more on gaining these MoPs. The other idea comes partly from a friend who has decided to give a crack at video game development, as such I have started trying to program again. As when a game is finished it makes money for a period of time after work on it is completed and allows me, again, to pursue other MoPs.

Anyways... I plan... somewhere in the back of my mind at least... to update this blog more often from now on... so if you know me remind me that I said that.

Late Night Karaoke 0.1 - Wild Thing

YouTube Video - BNG Karaoke 0.1 Wild Thing

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