Friday, December 09, 2005

Last Day at Lancaster

No Caffeine Yet Today

As it turns out, yes, my brain doesn't like writing blog entries quite as much without caffeine in me, I'll need to get another one of those canisters or instant coffee again... or wake up early enough to make myself a thermos of espesso before work... or start spending money on coffee... the new building is right across from a Timmy's and is in the same mall as a Treats... or I could buy a 2Litre of Caffeinated Pop every day.  I'll need to come up with something, maybe I can bum some instant coffee off the guy who just came in... I'll make coffee as bad as ciggarets yet eh?

I could deal with endless call after call a lot better if I was sufficiently caffeinated.

Wikis Abound

So, I like wikis. I would call myself a "wiki enthusiast", if you will.

The first wiki I ran into was Wikipedia, I really liked the idea of an ecyclopedia that was a common work of humanity.  It was really cool and I acctually added a short phrase to one of the pages and was all excited to be part of it. A lot of people have been questioning the validity of wikipedia, for me it's got enough general information to get me started on a subject, I might not trust my life to it but I'll let it define meme for me.

I then ran into, a place that let me make my own wiki, it was hard to use, ugly, and I decided to go back to HTML for my own  web publicationing.

Next one I ran into was the Sping Wiki, the wiki for the fully 3D Multiplayer Adaptation of a Total Annihilation style RTS. That was really cool, I started quite a few pages there and helped a lot with organizing and moving stuff around... also made it my business to yell at people posting information in the forums without diplicating it in the wiki and answering peoples forum questions with links to the wiki.  The best thing about wikis like this is you can leave gaps, or get bored halway through documenting something, and quite often someone will finish it off for you.

Then, the coolest wiki of all time was created, ELOTH:TES, redifining what wiki's were for and really what kind of thing the internet can produce.

I started my own wiki last night, to help me organize the developement of the card game I invented.  It's not very far allong, but you can find it here. I keep trying to make this thing work and maybe if I have a place that let's me work on it effectively from anywere it might acctually go somewhere.

More Meta-Blogging

I now have coffee, someone was nice enough to give me a spoonful of instant maxwell house (it's still cooling down).  My blog probably seems odd and disjointed because I've been writing it at work on breaks and between calls.  I have the next three days off so I might not get the chance to blog again before tuesday when I start at the new building.

Tommorow I have to go shopping for Trish.



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