Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Spelling Corrected: Origami

As it turns out, I can do many things.  I can prepare food that is fit for human consumption for example, the mashed potatoes were a little runny but otherwise good.  I can fold origami frogs from tin-foil as well. I also managed to make a mess of my desk at work folding origami from newspapers and beat Pikmin2 (well, the credits rolled but I still have a lot more treasure to go back and collect)... I can read, I can fix peoples Internet connections...

I couldn't sleep last night, I think I drank too much coke... so I watched the latest Homestar Runner... oh and I beat that 96KB FPS game everyone keeps mentioning all over the place... you can just google it, I don't need to link to it.

Anyways, life is still stupid and I hate working... but we get to move to a new building next week so that's nice... and I might get moved to Commercial in January which is even nicer.

Meanwhile I continue to talk to complete buffoons who babble incoherently about trivial things that I'm payed to pretend I care about enough to make go away... the joy of living... I want my Arcade...


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