Sunday, October 24, 2004

Siobhan Rock!

So today I slept in until about one o'clock and then sat around and did very near to nothing for a couple hours, if I remember correctly I poked stuff until it was dead on ragnarok online. Actually, in retrospect I also got all the dishes done and saw my friend online so we're planning to go see Team America: World Police together sometime next week. So I guess it wasn't really all that bad of an afternoon.

That's when life got interesting.

There are a few things that I particularly enjoy. One of then is sushi. At around 5:45 my sister came by and we (both sisters and one brother and law and I) went out for Korean/Japanese food. I got a 15 piece sushi platter and it was really excellent. There are few foods better than wasabi, sweet sticky rice, soy sauce and raw fish all wrapped up in a little package, and all of them come from Japan. I really think that if I could live just fine in Japan, but I don't think trish would like it very much, she doesn't even like to eat sea weed.

Well the reason we all went out for Japanese food was that we were all going out to a concert of the TaiCo drumming group that my sister was in up until just recently. There's no real way to describe the experience, or at least I can't come up with one at 2:56 in the morning, so I'm not going to try too hard at it. There were big drums and people hitting them with big sticks and yelling a bit and it was really cool. See, I told you it wouldn't work.

Anyways, AFTER the TaiCo concert we went out to see a Celtic Punk Rock Show/CD Release Party. The band was called Siobhan and they were really great. Then again I really like Celtic Punk so meh right? In any case, I turned into the person inside of me who really likes punk and was moshing and head banging and dosidoing and jigging and yelling along to the songs I knew... and kicking broken beer bottles and glasses out of the way... it was great. I really need to take Trish to a punk rock show because I don't think she's seen that side of me yet... I'll let her hide and pretend she doesn't know me.

THEN, AFTER the concert I went out for shwarmas and smoothies (they call them cocktails at shwarma places for some reason) with Jule Ann and jer and couple of jule ann's friends and one of the band members cause he's married to one of jule ann's friends. Heard a couple good stories from the road and then I got a drive back to my place... which brings me to now.

AT the moment, I still have the soreness from Donkey Konga, plus I'm losing my voice and my back and neck are sore and I'm in that exausted but not tired mode that means I probably won't be able to get to sleep... in any case I'm going to at least TRY to go to bed.

CURRENTLY READING: Guards Guards, by Terry Pratchette (been a busy weekend so I'm still only half done)



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