Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Taking too many breaks.

So today my "boss" (more of a mini-boss, they call them TLs, meaning
"team leader") calls me out and tells me to punch for team meetings.
Apparently I had effectively told a customer they were an idiot by
saying "I don't have to argue with you and try to prove I'm right"...
in a mean way... I'll have to be careful now or I'll get put on this
probabtion like thing. Been here two years and this is the first time
so I figure I'll just do what I'm doing and hope for the best.

Yesterday I had a bit of a nap after waking up and then as I was
waiting for the bus my friend picked me up and took me to work, he was
moving a car from one side of the street to the other and had decided
to drive down to the Tim Horton's on the corner on the way, instead he
detoured with me to a Tim Horton's near my work and we got to talk
about all our crazy ideas and video game concepts over coffee for an
hour before work.

Work wasn't too bad and I've been keeping up with my comics and
hanging out around the site quite a bit.

Incidentally somehting in my diet is making me have to take extra
breaks to relieve myself. I should probably lay off either the
caffeine or the Soy Milk... but they are just oh so good... *sigh*

ARGH!!! Stupid phone, I clocked out for break and the dumb phone
logged me back in and took a call, then when I sat back down I tried
to tell the computer that I was still on break and it gave me a call.

Today sucked and I have the next two days off so I'm taking the offer
to go home early.



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