Thursday, September 02, 2004

Day One of Plan 1a

It's still under revision but my plan to change my life is in it's first stages, I have set up a preliminary rule-set that outlines my day to day and week to week behaviour.  The first version is not ready for public release for a couple reasons,  basically I don't want to be held to rules that are unrealistic so I want to be able to change them around for now.
When I've established a working day to day routine, step two will be to set up specific goals, short/mid/long term kinds of things, with deadlines and such.
Youn see:
I work, at most 40 hours a week, and I should be sleeping around 56 hours a week.  I commute and average of about 12 hours a week which could be used at least a little more productively which leaves 60 hours a week which could be used a LOT more productively.
Now I know that it usually spend about half an hour a day eating, and a couple hours playing video games and watching TV a week but I figure if I budget my time (like they taught us to budget money in those business classes, my preciouse)... ahem... then I will be able to see where I'm wating it and have more time for the things I want to do... so I suppose the second part of my plan would be to find out what, within my schedule, I do everyday and make a schedule that balences that.
I am pretty sure that spending half my waking life working is not making me happy.

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