The Days Really Are Getting Shorter
On the Subject of Sleep: In which we discuss the changing season and it's effects on my sleep schedule and we briefly mention my progress towards writing a NaNoWriMo Novel
Alright, let's get started by describing how yesterday went. I woke up after a full nights sleep then, after acctually eating breakfast and spending some time poking at the internet, bussed to work. Work was busy due, in part, to the chaos caused by fluctiations in corporate america and the ineptitude of certain companies in planning for these changes. It would appear that they are still makeing more money then they know what to do with (my suggestion would be to spend that money hire a lot more staff at all locations... but that's just me)... anyways... busy busy busy... call after call busy.
After work I came home and had to go run errands with my wife for a while, buying money orders, going out to subway for dinner and depositing a cheque at Billings Bridge. When we got home it was pretty close to 8 o'clock and I played a few video games and was basically in bed by 8:45.
Now there are a few ways to decide the length of a "day". Many people would assume 24 hours in a day, starting either at midnight or sunrise or sunset or some other arbitrary time, by this definition days in the winter are the same length as days in the summer. Another definition is the number of hours between sunrise and sunset which does get shorter during the winter. You could also say that the period of time between waking up and going to bed for the night defines a day.
By this last definition, the period of time between 12:00am and 1:47 when I wrote the 1,400 or so words towards my story about... well I'm not entirely sure... but it involves dragons... and a flying university, would count as a day.
Anyways, the problem I have been having recently seems to be that I am sleeping too much, which isn't very common. The main symptom of sleeping too much is usually that I am remembering too many dreams... in particular those kinds of freaky dreams where you try to wake up screaming but are unable to do so. In any case I am feeling ready to go to bed earlier and then not sleeping very well, which I'm pretty sure it because by the time I get home at 6pm it's basically dark.