Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The "meh."s

Nothing Like the "Mondays"
So, there's been a few things going on in the last little while.  On satuday I had some friends over and we played Zombies!!!, ate pizza, and just generally hung out... it was fun but I was kinda hopeing for more then two people would show up.  Oh well.
Gene and I hung out sunday and played Civ4 until the program crashed while watching episodes of House with Trish... Trish watches a lot of house.  I think gene was getting sick of the slow pace of playing Civ4 with me... the game autosaved so I'm gonna have to get him to finish it with me some day.
Because Rob decided to sleep instead of coming to my party on Saturday so we hung out sunday night and watched TV.
Monday night Heroes was awsome, as usual... still anctionsely anticipating the next episode.
Tuesday Trish and I went over to robs to keep him company while he handed out candy, I dressed up in a suit... get it... "Dressed Up" for Hollowe'en... the orriginal idea was to go as a "Fairy Godfather", but I couldn't find my bowtie and the pink wings made me look really stupid.
Last night was House... I guess I really like House too.
The Game
Rob and I are working on a game... well, rob is programming a game and I am hounding him to finish it and producing graphics and maps and helping with design desisions and such. There is a signifigant chance that this game will never see the light of day. The main point is for Rob to finish something so that he has the back-ground experience to make a real game, so we can make an MMO and stop having real jobs.
That Novel Writing Month Thing
So I opened up a document with the cool "Google Documents and Spreadsheets" service, fully intending to get stated on my novel... but as it turns out, I've been taking call after call all morning and have been unable to even come up with a nice little outline today. That's been the way work has been for a couple weeks so I'm not really expecting to write anything at work... which means I will have to set aside some time for writing when I'm at home... which means I will have to find some kind of sedative to sneak my wife because she can't stand me writing for some reason and constantly interupts me for stupid reasons. All else fails I can write after she goes to bed I suppose.
I guess I could be writing right now instead of blogging... but I really can't collect my thoughts at work... I hate it here too much to really get comfortable.
The End
I finished reading the "A Series of Unfortunate Events" series... next up is the second book in the Bartameus Trilogy.


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